Brand: Plant Army

Plant Army's winter coats are wax coats; waxing is a classic Scottish technique from the 15th century to make and maintain jackets water-repellent. A well-maintained Plant Army jacket will last for years. Plant Army is 99% made of plant material. From the fibers of the fabric, the seams, lining and filling to the water-repellent wax. All organically grown, not genetically manipulated, traceable and as sustainable as possible. The other 1% are the metal buttons.

Eco-friendly: The coating of jackets is often a major problem; it is often full of toxic substances to make them wind and water repellent. The wax that Plant Arm uses for this is EverWax; This plant-based wax, developed by the famous Scottish Halley Stevenson, is composed of residual products from the EU food industry. It is a blend of olive oil, canola and castor beans. With the vegetable EverWax, a great solution has been found. The jacket is also made of 100% organic cotton with a Tencel lining. The filling is made of kapok, a natural material from the kapok tree. The fruits of this tropical tree species contain seeds that sprout into soft fibres. Fibers with many benefits!

Vegan: The jackets are vegan friendly.

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